Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Social Program Awareness and Updates -- For Your Information Consideration/Participation

Happy New Year Everyone:

This email comes to inform you of several programs/ministry opportunities.  You or your church can personally be involved, participate and/or volunteer.  These programs offer an excellent opportunity to serve others:  If there is interest, do not hesitate to contact me concerning how you can help and/or participate:

Flu Shot vouchers are available through March for those with no medical insurance or cannot afford the copay.

January 9, 7:00 p.m., Colorectal (Colon) Cancer Discussion, Galilee MB Church

Coordinated by Berean Congress of Christian Education Social Service Ministry

January, Project Village (State Convention, Home Missions Program) is back as a structured group mentoring program - no longer one on one:

Mentors needed (five children per group) to help build relationships with the children

African American Children needed ages 11-17 (preferably at-risk and troubled but not required because it's a crime prevention program focusing on education and keeping children out of the system (curriculum related program)

Donations needed to pay for background checks ($55)

Food sponsors needed for a total of 35 individuals one month out of 10 (more if you desire)

Volunteers needed to help set up/breakdown

Location, St. Luke Memorial, 3623 Finney, 63113, once per month, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Dates available soon for mentor training, parent/guardian orientation and the start of program; all begins in January as the coordinator completes training January 7, 2012; fast paced afterwards --

Friday, January 13, 2012, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Lewis and Clark Library, (9909) Community Education Forum (new and ongoing social service programs, resources and services presented/provided - churches and community organizations welcome to attend..

Sunday, January 15,Justice Sunday a Project Village Group Mentoring required program by Grantor; honoring Dr. Martin Luther Kings' Beliefs and National Mentoring Month (January). hosted by Saint Luke Memorial, 3623 Finney during regular worship services.

MLK beliefs are tied into the Curriculum for Project Village as we stress education for the children

February 2, 2012, 8:30-4:00 p.m., 475 East Lockwood Avenue, Webster Groves; 2012 Faith Based Disaster Preparedness Conference sponsored by American Red Cross and others.

Donated Blood needed according  to American Red Cross and State Convention Disaster Director, Nathaniel Griffin - Please inform if interested in donating--

Finally, an Abstinence Education Program for ages 10-12.  Seeking churches with after school programs between 3:00-6:00 p.m., but we have have slots available for Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 or 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Classes are six to eight weeks long, depending on age.  Programs runs February-September 2012.  Sponsored by Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri. As soon as one 55 minute 6 week session is over, I can start another or recommend someone else from Lincoln for other times that works best.

As you will see, there are plenty of ministries available at no charge to you or your church.  You are encouraged to take advantage of these government/grant funded programs.

Please share with others who may benefit or possibly have an interest.


Servant and,Coordinator

Linda Joyce Mackey
314 440-6625 - Business Cell

314 529-1248-Voice

314 837-4528 -Fax
"Impacting Lives, Families & Communities"

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