Saturday, December 29, 2012

January Laymen Meeting

Brother’s in Christ,

The January meeting of the Berean Laymen Ministry will be held on Friday, January 4, 2013, 7pm at the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, 4300 Delmar, 63108 where the Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell is Pastor. Please join us at this first meeting of the New Year and help us set the pace for a successful 2013.

If you are able, you may also want to attend:

Missouri Laymen Early Morning Worship

December 30, 2012, 6am

Prospect Hill Missionary Baptist Church

4533 Adrian F. Jones Ave. (formerly Arlington Ave.)

St. Louis, MO 63120

Rev. Darian Jones, Pastor

Berean Laymen Lord’s Supper and Baptism Service

January 6, 2013, 6pm

God First Missionary Baptist Church

12025 Raymond

St. Louis, MO 63138

Rev. Carl Lucas, Pastor

Yours in Christ,

Bro. Neil Hughes, President

Berean Laymen Ministry

Rev. Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association


Please join the Berean District as we bring in the New Year with our



6:00 P.M.

God First Missionary Baptist Church

12025 Raymond Spanish Lake MO 63138




Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Layman’s Lord Supper and Baptism



Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator


Rev. Dr. Grant Hughes, Coordinator


December 17, 2012

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Greetings, in the Mighty name of Jesus, our Christ, who claims us as His own, who calls us to continued ministry for Him, and who commissions us into active ministry of reconciling others through evangelism.

As a reminder, our December 24,2012 Evangelism Training Session has been Cancelled, however we will be doing Street Ministry in preparation for our Layman’s Lord Supper and Baptism, January 6, 2013 at God First MBC, 12025 Raymond, St. Louis, MO. 63138, 6:00 pm. Rev. Carl Lucas, pastor.


When:       Saturday – January 5, 2013

Time:        9:30 am

Location:  God First Missionary Baptist Church (Pastor Carl Lucas)

                  12025 Raymond

                  St. Louis, Missouri, 63138

We will Brief the Evangelistic Team at 9:30 am and start canvassing the neighborhood from 10am_noon.

I am encouraging you to come and invite four evangelistic minded persons from your church; Men and Women are needed. Remember, “This is the work of the Lord’s Church”.

“May God continue to bless you and your ministry for His cause” is my continued prayer for you”.


For the cause of Christ,

Rev. Dr. Grant Hughes

Director of Evangelism

Homeless Christmas Outreach

Hope Outreach Ministry

Homeless Christmas Outreach

Food and Toy’s for the Children

Saturday Dec 22, 2012

9am – 12pm

Calvary MB Church

2822 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive

St. Louis, Mo. 63106

Donations Accepted(Food and Toys)       

Call: Rev Felix Gibson 314-593-0272

Delester Jefferson 314-239-0461

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Survey of Galatians Certified COPP Course # 1093


 fyi . End time for class each Tuesday is 8:30 and end time for course is Feb 19th


Rev. William L. "Jimi" Gwynn III Lead Servant/Organizer
The Ville Campus 2416 N. Newstead Ave. St. Louis MO. 63113-2510

314.956.7049 cell


Friday, November 2, 2012

Men Needed Immediately for Disaster Relief


News Flash Banner2

National Convention Relief Effort Initiated
In Response to Hurricane Sandy

Men Needed Immediately


A National Baptist Convention relief effort has been initiated by Dr. Randy G. Vaughn, director of the National Baptist Convention U.S.A., Inc. Disaster Management Office.

This is an effort in collaboration with the American Red Cross in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and destruction in the state of New Jersey.

President Harold Simmons is asking for:

1. All men who can devote at least one week in New Jersey. (Men only at this time) 

2. Call president Simmons immediately if you are available. 816-898-6828

3. All expenses will be paid for. (Travel, lodging, meals)

Thad Jones

General Secretary



The News Flash is designed to inform members, friends and supporters of late breaking news and events regarding the organization and the men and women who drive the movement.   Thad Jones is the publisher.

Social Networks Logos3


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fwd: Recovering from Hurricane Sandy: Resources and Stories

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Recovering from Hurricane Sandy: Resources and Stories From: Ready Campaign To: CC: logo [ ] FEMA logo [ ] Coalition members, We hope that this email finds you and your loved ones safe and well. Even though Sandy was incredibly destructive and was devastating for many families, your preparedness efforts have and will continue to make a difference. Thank you. There is much more you can do to help right now during the recovery phase so please continue reading... add EVENT [ ] INVITE friend [ ] gradient Top 5 safety tips to know and share: 1. *Power lines*: When returning home, walk around outside first; check for downed power lines, gas leaks and structural damage. Do not enter if you smell gas. 2. *Water safety*: Listen to local officials for reports if water is safe to drink/safe to use to prepare food.  3. *Roads*: Damaged/flooded roads may still be closed. Barricades are there for your protection. If you see a barricade, turn around. 4: *Blackouts*: Leave a light on so you'll know when your power returns. More at [ ] 5. *Generators*: NEVER use a generator inside, even with fans or open windows. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can build up and linger. [ ] How you can help Those impacted by sandy: 1. Learn how to volunteer responsibly. Get the details here [ ]. 2. Want to donate? Cash is best; go through trusted organizations. Details here [ ]. [ ] 3. Blood supply has been impacted. The Red Cross is seeking immediate blood and platelet donations! Make an appointment now [ ]. 4. Have a child that was scared by Sandy? Reduce their anxiety with this excellent interview with Elmo from Sesame Street on the radio [ ]. what did you do to prepare For sandy? 91% of Americans believe it's important to be prepared for emergencies, but only 58% of households have taken any steps to prepare. As a member of The Coalition for National Preparedness, you're likely to be a part of the 58%. If you were in Sandy's path, take this preparedness poll [ ], and tell us what step(s) you took. how did you encourage others to prepare for sandy? As a coalition member, you have access to great resources and many of you have a lot of experience preparing for and dealing with emergencies. Given the many digital technologies and social media outlets that allow us to communicate with our family and friends, tell us stories about how you reached out to others and encouraged others to prepare. Weigh in here [ ]! What did you learn from your experience with sandy? It's true, we can never be prepared enough. Each time we prepare for an event, we learn something new. Tell us what you learned in preparing and experiencing Sandy that will influence what you do or don't do in the future in regards to preparedness. If you didn't live in the path of Sandy, what did you learn from others? Share here [ ]. [ ] ________________________________________________________________________ Logo [ ] Questions? Contact Us [ ] STAY CONNECTED: Visit Us on Facebook [!/FEMA?v=app_7146470109 ] Visit Us on Twitter [!/ReadydotGov ] Sign up for email updates [ ] SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences [ ]  |  Unsubscribe [ ]  |  Help Privacy Policy [ ] | GovDelivery is providing this information on behalf of U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and may not use the information for any other purposes. ________________________________________________________________________ This email was sent to on behalf of: Ready Campaign · U.S. Department of Homeland Security · Washington, DC 20528 · 202-282-8000 Powered by GovDelivery [ ]

Monday, October 29, 2012

Volunteer Stand-By Request for Hurricane Sandy

See request below concerning the storm that hit the east coast - are you interested?
Sent: Mon, October 29, 2012 1:38:56 PM
Subject: Stand-By Request

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of the most high God. In view of the terrible storm that is poised to hit the east coast that will affect many of our sister churches and in the spirit of solidarity our help is potentially needed. With that being said in the spirit of pro- activeness if any of you are willing to be deployed for a period of fourteen days (14), I am compiling a list so when the call comes we will be ready to respond. So if you are interested or know someone that is I need your (their) names and contact information as soon as possible. I am already on the list will you be next?
Rev. Nathaniel Griffin Sr.
Missouri State Coordinator
Disaster Management

Editor's Note: for the sake of SPAM prevention, please contact me at and I will pass your information to Rev. Griffin or put you directly in touch with him. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Berean Announcements

Just a couple of Reminder's for Berean Members:

Sunday, October 21, 2012- Berean Music Auxiliary Annual High Praise Service

                  6:00 p.m. at Faith MB Church- Berkley

                                   6019 Helen Avenue, Berkley MO 63134

                                   Sis. Clara Davis, Music Auxiliary President

                                   Sis. Sherry Jones, Director of Music

                                  Rev. Keith Pendilton, Host Pastor

Friday, November 2, 2012-- Berean District Annual Association Banquet

                  7:00 p.m. at New Northside Conference Center

                                   Rev. Dr. William L. Gwynn, Moderator- Union District- Speaker

                                   Tickets are $40.00

                                   Contact Sis. Carol Johnson (314-591-3362) or

                                   Bro. Delester Jefferson (314-381-7488)

                    ASAP for Tickets!

Kathy Harris, Corresponding Secretary

Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator

Friday, September 28, 2012

New Fellowship MB Church

New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church will hold a "formation service" establishing them as a Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. Darral Johnson is the Pastor.

You are invited to join New Fellowship on Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.

The service will be held at Lite of Jericho MB Church,  5429 St. Louis Avenue, St. Louis MO 63120, where Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr. , past Moderator serves as Pastor.

Please come and support Rev. Johnson and New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church!

Kathy Harris, Corresponding Secretary

Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator

5th annual Living Life…Expo at Baden Library

Baden Library 10-13_expo_flier

"Love Doesn't Hurt" Domestic Abuse Awareness &Support for Young Girls and Women



"Love Doesn't Hurt" Domestic Abuse Awareness &Support for Young Girls and Women

(October is Domestic Abuse Awareness Month)

Washington University Center for Community Engaged Research
4306 Manchester, St. Louis, MO 63110




Class Name: Love Doesn't Hurt Young Girls and Women Domestic Abuse Awareness &Support

Ages: 12 and older

Class Slogan: "When Love Hurts Instead of Being Fun, It's Time to Run"

Description: Recognizing when your daughter, sister, or friend is being abused and what to do about it. 

  • The number one killer of African-American women ages 15 to 34 is homicide at the hands of a current or former intimate partner.
  • Approximately 40% of Black women report coercive contact of a sexual nature by age 18.
  • African-American women experience significantly more domestic violence than White women in the age group of 20-24.
  • Black females experienced intimate partner violence at a rate 35% higher than that of white females, and about 22 times the rate of women of other races.

​​(American Bar Associaton,2012)

League of African American Women presents "Love Doesn't Hurt" Workshop and Group Talk for young girls and women. Domestic Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Coercion, Unhealthy Relationships, and Low Self Worth are affecting young girls as early as 12 years old.  Join us for discussion and learn ways to tell if your daughter, sister, or friend may be being abused and what to do about it. Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse are hard subjects to discuss, but it must be done in order for girls and women to heal. Like our other programs, "Love Doesn't Hurt" focuses on three basic tenets: Education, Outreach, and Prevention. Let's come together to educate ourselves, share stories, and to help save and change lives.

Space is limited. To register and reserve space please contact us at:
League of African American Women
(314) 473-6897




October 6, 2012
12pm- 2pm




Space is limited. To register and reserve space please contact us at:
League of African American Women
(314) 473-6897
















HealthStreet October Calendar of Services


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dept of Evangelism

August 15, 2012

Dear Pastor:

Greetings, in the Mighty name of Jesus, our Christ, who claims us as His own, who calls us to continued ministry for Him, and who commissions us into active ministry of reconciling others through evangelism.

The Department Evangelism Training Meeting at Bethlehem MBC  will resume on September 24, 2012.

When:       Monday – September 24, 2012

Time:        7:00p.m.

Location:  Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church

                  3506 Cass Avenue

                  St. Louis, Missouri, 63106

“May God continue to bless you and your ministry for His cause” is my continued prayer for you”.

For the cause of Christ,

Rev. Dr. Grant Hughes

Director of Evangelism

Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri, Eastern Region

Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Souls to the Polls" Initial Meeting Date

Please pass this message on to Churches who would like to participate

Moderator Carlton R. Caldwell

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Greetings Pastors:
I hope this message reaches you with all things well.  The pastors included on this email are ones I know to be actively engaged in various aspects of ministry that impact both your churches and your surrounding communities.  I am aware that it is in no way an exhaustive list and should you know of others who may be interested, please feel free to share this email.  I am writing to share a vision in hopes that we might collaborate to make it become a reality.  As you all know, this year's November election is crucial, and I've recently read of a program in Florida that might be helpful here in getting out the vote.  It is called "Souls to the Polls." 
It is my hope that we will be able to work together to provide rides to the polls for those who might have difficulty.  I have secured funding to cover printing cost of a campaign that would include the names and contact information for all participating churches.  The churches would be listed by regions and given as resources for scheduling a ride to the polls. If necessary, we would share our resources and man-power to make sure every person who needs a ride receives one.  The goal is to have participating churches in every part of the region.
I admit I do not have all the logistics worked out.  But I believe, working together, we have all the knowledge necessary to implement this with excellence and impact our communities and the numbers at the polls.  If you are interested, please respond to this email and include your availability or the availability of a representative during the last week of August so that we can work out the details. 
I would like to go to print with participating churches and reserve newsprint space the first week of October.  Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you!
Greetings Pastors:
I am so excited about the response we are already receiving to this initiative!  The following churches have already agreed to the collaboration:
Prince of Peace, Pastor Willie Kilpatrick
Christ Our Redeemer AME, Pastor Edmund Lowe, Sr.
Washington Tabernacle, Pastor Rodney Francis
Saint John's UCC, Pastor Starsky Wilson
New Sunny Mount, Pastor Donald Hunter
Wayman AME, Pastor Frederick McCullough
The Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, Pastor Rebecca Ragland
The Olive Chapel AME, Pastor Karen Anderson
The Antioch Baptist Church, Pastor Delano Benson
Trinity Mount Carmel, Pastor Charles Roach
Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Sammie Jones
Central Baptist Church, Pastor Robert Scott
St. Luke's AME, Pastor Claudine Murphy
Christ The King UCC, Pastor Traci Blackmon
There are still churches we have not heard from, but we have received no negative responses.  The Clergy Coalition will discuss the initiative at their meeting tomorrow and hopefully this will also result in additional churches.  Please forward the email to any other churches you think might want to be a part of this effort.  We do not want to exclude anyone who wants to work.
We have also already received an offer for pro-bono graphic design for the campaign!
Please plan to attend our first organizing meeting on Monday, August 20th at 7:30 am at Christ The King UCC (11370 Old Halls Ferry Road).  The meeting is scheduled for 1.5 hours and breakfast will be served.  Please begin to pray for our collective efforts.  Additional information will follow.
Pastor Traci Blackmon
Christ The King United Church of Christ
11370 Old Halls Ferry Road
Florissant, MO 63033
314-741-6808 (church)
314-265-6990 (cell)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The Berean District Laymen Ministry WILL NOT MEET this Friday, August 3rd. The next meeting will be the second Friday in September, the date is September 14. Please pass the word as I waited too long to get this out via postal mail. I pray your forgiveness and ask your prayers that I may be more timely in the future.

Bro. Ron Elliott
Corresponding Secretary
Berean District Laymen

Monday, July 23, 2012

Public Comment Hearing Dates for Ameren Missouri's requested increase

ameren public hearing dates

Creative Evangelism Event for Youth & Young Adults


Minister's Wives & Widows Auxiliary Trivia Night

Mark Your Calendars Now!


Minister’s Wives and Widows Auxiliary


Saturday September 15, 2012

4:30 p.m.

Galilee Missionary Baptist Church

4300 Delmar Blvd. St. Louis MO

Donations: $100 per team (10 PER TEAM)

or $ 10.00 per person


Sis. Pat Osby, President, Minister’s Wives & Widows Auxiliary

Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

St. Louis County - Poll Workers Needed

The November 6, 2012 election is quickly approaching and the St. Louis County Election Board will need an additional 1,000 to 1,300 Poll Workers to fully staff the estimated 450 polling places in all parts of St. Louis County.
Additionally, Poll Worker positions are still available for the August 7th Primary election.
If you know a friend or family member that is interested in working the Presidential or Primary elections please have them call 314-615-1865 or visit our recruiting website at:
Requirements to be a Poll Worker:
Be at least 18 years old and a registered Missouri voter.
Declare a party affiliation (Democrat or Republican)
Attend a training session
Have transportation to and from their assigned poll.
Be able to work from 5 AM to completion on Election Day.
The St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners
St. Louis County Board of Elections
12 Sunnen Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63143

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fw: Rev. Gary Anderson: IMPORTANT

To All Berean Members:

Your immediate attention is needed: We have a family in need!


During the night, Rev. Gary Anderson's home caught fire.  Thank God everyone was able to get out of the house.  We want to lift the family up in prayer especially his grandhild who was injured and remains in the hospital.   Their personal belongings have been destroyed.  Along with our prayers, if you would like to assist them with gift cards or monetary donations to help with immediate needs, donations will be accepted at the Olivet Baptist Church, 12200 New Halls Ferry Road, Florissant during the Annual Session. 


Moderator Caldwell is planning a benefit service for the Anderson Family on July 28th at Galilee.  Additional details will follow.



Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator


Sis. Kathy Harris, Corresponding Secretary


Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Young People Department - Annual Session

Please make plans to be in attendance for the

90th Annual Session

of the

Young People Department of the WMU

Monday, July 16, 2012 at 9:30 am

Olivet Missionary Baptist Church

12200 New Halls Ferry Road

Florissant, MO 63033

Bring all of your young people out to praise and worship God together!

I have included a copy of the schedule of services.

I am encouraging all churches to ask your young people to dress in white, purple and or black but please don't let a uniform stop anyone from joining us.  We need all of you.  God bless you.

YPD Director

Alfreda L. Wilbon

Friday, July 6, 2012

2013 Oratorical Contest!

Information pertaining to the Missouri and National Baptist Oratorical Contests is now posted on the Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri website under the Resources – Documents tab. Many thanks to Dr. Rochelle and her team for keeping us well in front of the game. All we have to do now is take advantage of it!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012






United Way 2-1-1 can help keep you safe and cool when the National Weather Service issues an Excessive Heat Advisory or Warning. Visit and use the interactive map to find a cooling center near you

Summer is heating up


Having trouble viewing this message? Click Here.

American Red Cross



July 2012


With record temperatures sweeping across much of the nation, destructive storms, wildfires and power outages have impacted millions of people. We hope that you, your neighbors and loved ones are safe and staying cool. Please contact your local Red Cross if you or someone you know needs help.

As you prepare for July 4th celebrations, click here for some heat preparedness tips plus a link to our new First Aid app on

Wishing you a happy and safe holiday,


Gail McGovern
American Red Cross

Red Cross News


Red Cross Offering Relief from Heat and Fires Across the U.S.


July 4th Travel and Fireworks Safety Tips


Photos: Tropical Storm Debby






New First Aid App

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Swimming pool photo

Plan on swimming this summer?

For many of us, swimming is on the agenda this summer. In fact over 90% of families with young kids will be in the water at some point this season. You should know a few basics of water safety before pool, beach or other water-related trips. It’s more than just packing water wings in your bag.
Learn more >>



Ronnie Dunn - Bleed RED Blood Drive

Help save a life this summer give blood!

With schools out and families away on vacation, summer is a common time for shortages in our nation’s blood supply. Join country music superstar and blood donor Ronnie Dunn and help save lives by giving blood this month!
Learn more >>


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