Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fathers Conference Nov 15, 2010

Hello everyone,

I need your assistance in getting this information out ASAP.

The focus of the conference is men and their impact on pregnancy outcomes.  Some studies indicate that in approximately 70% of pregnancies, men were a significant factor in improved pregnancy outcomes. We want to see the men and educate them on how they can make a difference.  They are encouraged to bring their significant others.  This conference is by invitation only.  If you want to recommend someone, please get in touch with me.  I will need information on both parties, i.e. his name, address/zip, phone #, email address, & the same for her.  We are not able to provide child care services.  And uninvited persons accompanying invited guest will NOT be admitted.

If you have any question, please call me.

Thanks to all in advance,


"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain"  

Margie M. Miner

State of Missouri

Department of Health and Senior Services

Division of Community and Public Health

Office of Minority Health

220 South Jefferson

ST. Louis, MO 63103

314-877-0245 (Office)

314-877-0204 (Fax)





Friday, October 29, 2010

7 State Workshop Evangelism 2010

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Bro. Delester Jefferson
Street Witnessing Coordinator
Nat’l Baptist Laymen Ministry
314-239-0461 cell

National Baptist Laymen 
7 State Walter Cade Jr. Workshop
Evangelistic Effort Report
October 23, 2010

Carver Park

8th & N. Brown

Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Approximately 150 workshop participants converged on the Carver Housing Community, inviting residence to come to an evangelistic service at the Park. The threat of inclimate weather kept many would be attendees away. It had rained earlier and there was an over cast. The sun did peep thru the clouds shortly near the end of the service.

As residents were invited, many were unable to attend the event, however, several asked for prayer. Some 10 households were prayed for by the witnessing teams as they canvassed the neighborhood.

One resident was Pastor Clarence Easley (414-795-5867) of the Holy Lite Ministry Church at 277 N. 20th. He was excited to see so many “Men” on a Saturday out trying to win souls for Christ. He asked how to get involved with the Layman Movement. I took him to Dea. Albert Brown, Layman President of the General Baptist State Convention of Wisconsin, Inc. who said he would follow up.

3 Convention Churches were represented at the service:

Greater Spring Hill – Rev. Roosevelt Savage, Pastor

Providence Baptist Church – Rev. Joe A. Games, Sr. Pastor

Greater Galilee MB Church – Rev. Johnny C. Whiter Jr. D. Min – Pastor

A soul stirring Evangelistic Message was presented by; Rev. Vann C. Williams, Pastor

Second Baptist Church, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Subject: Genesis 18:20-33 “God is Looking For Some Righteous Men”

After the preaching of the Gospel, the Door of the Church was open and all residents and other guest in attendance were witnessed to.

There were 8 who rededicated their lives to Christ and 4 Candidates for Baptism for a total of 12.


1. Tyrone Brown   Candidate Baptism
2. Andre Carter   Candidate Baptism
3. Breshawn Erick Mason   Candidate Baptism
4. Jayson Murrell   Candidate Baptism
5. Tyshawn Lloyd   Christian Experience
6. Tommie Lloyd   Christian Experience
7. Timothy Lloyd   Christian Experience
8. Torrel Lloyd   Christian Experience
9. Gloria Durden   Christian Experience
10. Angelo Walker   Christian Experience
11. Johnnetta Linton   Christian Experience
12. Janternova Brodie   Christian Experience

All contact info was given to Deacon Albert Brown for follow up.

Bro. David Bozeman

Follow-Up Committee Chairman

(Report submitted by Delester Jefferson)

Mercy Seat Healthfair Nov 06, 2010


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Community Arts Program

Greetings in the name of Community Arts:

For the next six weeks, we will begin our new community arts program beginning with Poetry/Spoken Word.  You are invited to share the attached flyer with relatives, friends, neighbors, church members, your organizational participants and others that is interested in expressing themselves through poetry.  You will also have the opportunity to express yourself through recitals, reading or the creation of your own poetry.  We will have poetry books and poems here, but feel free to bring your personal information.  The objectives are to have fun, creativity, self-expression, social integration.

Volunteers, seasoned poets and fans of art are welcome to attend and help others when you can.  Our goal is to inspire everyone in attendance.  LUCE is reaching out to all community residents available to participate during the day.  The poetry piece begins this Thursday, October 28 at 10:00 p.m. and will continue for six (6) weeks, ending December 16th.  Share the message, bring a friend.  With enough participants, we are hopeful to name the group and do some Holiday performances.

I personally hope to see you there as I attempt to read some favorite pieces.

Linda Joyce Mackey

Lincoln University Cooperative Extension

Urban Impact Center, St. Louis

Community Outreach Educator

9041 Riverview Drive

St. Louis, MO 63137

314 558-4216; 314 867-5029 Fax

Building Partnerships, Educating, Empowering, and Impacting the Lifestyles of

Individuals, Families and Communities



National Baptist Laymen ! NEWS FLASH !


National Baptist Laymen ! NEWS FLASH !




Friday, October 22, 2010

WMU Mission Workshop


Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Women's Home Mission, Foreign Mission and Educational Union Auxiliary

Sis. Brenda Elliott-Lee, President


OCTOBER 23, 2010

9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM


Jennifer Mosby

"Today I will awake with a thankful heart."


Monday, October 11, 2010

Berean Jr. Laymen Fall Worship Service

Berean District Baptist Church Association  

Jr. Laymen Ministry

FALL Worship Service

Sunday October 17th, 2010

Lite of Jericho MB Church

3:00 p.m.

Our Purpose:

"To Teach, Train and Transition young men

in the Word, Way and Will

Of Our Heavenly Father

                        Proverbs 6:22

Bro. Karrington Toney, Jr. Laymen President

Min. Anthony Woods, Jr. Laymen Director

Bro. Delester Jefferson, Laymen President

Rev. Dr. Carlton Caldwell, Moderator

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You are Invited to Berean Workshop

come one


Berean District WMU Workshop

Saturday, October 23, 2010 @ 9:00am

Zion Travelers M.B. Church

Attitude is the Focus

What is your Attitude?

Registration $5.00 includes Lunch.

Sister Brenda Elliott-Lee, WMU President

Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell, Moderator

GroundBreaking Ceremony for Harrison Avenue MB Church

“We Pray, We Build”
Pastor Jeffery G. Croft
Deacons, Trustees and Members
Cordially invite you to attend
A Ground Breaking Ceremony
Harrison Avenue Missionary Baptist Church
355 South Harrison Avenue
Kirkwood, Missouri 63122
Friday, October 8, 2010
4:00 PM


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Annual High Praise Service

Berean District’s  Music Auxiliary’s

Annual High  Praise  Service

Sunday, October 24, 2010 @ 6:00pm

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!  Psalm 150.6

  Prospect Hill M.B. Church

4533 Arlington Ave.

St. Louis, MO

Sis. Clara J. Davis, Music Auxiliary President
Sis. Sherry L. Jones, Director of Music
Rev. Carlton R. Caldwell, District Moderator

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Berean Congress October Meeting

Monday October  4, 2010 due to State Convention starting on the 2nd Monday (Oct.11th) in Springfield, Mo.

Here is the information for the Congress.  The Christian Education Series is for the new, seasoned and future Christian Education Directors, Sunday School Superintendents, Teachers (not just in Sunday School), and Youth Directors, as well as those just interested in Christian Education.  They will meet in the main sanctuary and their lecturer will be Rev. James Rogers.  In October, Rev. Rogers will complete his lecture and we will agree upon another date to meet and have a full discussion on Effective Bible Reading.  Rev. Rogers has agreed to meet with us to answer any questions.  The total hours for this particular class is four.  Registration cards will be available for on Monday, September 13 at 6:30 for them to register for the classes.  I have also enclosed the other classes for Monday night.

Rev. Gary L. Anderson has agreed to return and teach the class "How to Call a Pastor".  I encourage any churches without a pastor to take this class.  He has valuable information to share with them.  Rev. Anderson will be recertified to teach this class in our Annual Leadership Training School, but don't wait until then, get the information now and share with your Pastor Search Committee and your congregation. 

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me by email or  telephone (see number below).

Your Fellow Servant of Christ,

Dari Ragland

Consultant and Trainer


Creating Awareness of Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence

Greetings to Each of You, and Happy Autumn:

As you may or may not know, October is Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  I am  sure each of you know someone that has been affected by at least one of them.  You are invited on Monday night, October 4, 2010, 7:00 p.m. until 8:15 p.m. to have an interactive discussion and receive resources for those in your churches and others who may benefit.  In conjunction with the Congress Biblical Institute, this session takes place on a monthly basis.  I will have plenty of educational materials available.

Note:  As the Social Service Ministry is committed to addressing social and health care needs that are prevalent in our community, we encourage you to take advantage, support, participate and share this topical information with others.  You can support by sharing even if you will be attending the Certified Congress of Christian Education Series.

In addition, in November, we will have interaction and a presentation on Medicare Part ABC and D.  Open enrollment for Part D (Prescription Drug Program takes place beginning the month of November.  Older People, those about to turn 65, on Medicare disability, and Caregivers should definitely attend.

One of the most stressful months of the year is December, we will present information pertaining to mental health; stress and depression, anxiety, how to prevent it.  Stay tuned for topics pertaining to next year, or be prepared to share interested topics as we minister to help eliminate and address our social and health care needs through forums, presentations, workshops and interactive discussions.

In discussion with our Dean, we may be partnering with Lincoln University Cooperative Extension to offer some of this information during the week day so that we can reach more of our people of wisdom (seniors/older people).  Again, stay tuned, and thanks for all that you do in serving others.  Do not hesitate to contact me if you need additional information, or wish to assist and/or present.

Linda Joyce Mackey

314 440-6625

Friday, October 1, 2010

St. Louis area Early Morning Service 10-31-2010

Flyer and Program here.

Photo Highlights - Walter Cade, Jr. Southeast Workshop

National Baptist Laymen ! NEWS FLASH !

Laymen Logo4

For Immediate Release


Thad Jones

National Baptist Laymen's Movement


Photo Hightlights
Walter Cade, Jr. Southeast Workshop
North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Georgia

Photos by: Samuel Fowler, Georgia

The workshop convened on the weekend of September 24 - 26, 2010 in Valdosta, Georgia. 
North Carolina won the trophy for the most registered delegates.

1. Click on the link below
2. Click on Slidewshow
3. Click "X" to close
Southeast Workshop Highlights
Thad Jones
General Secretary


The New Flash is designed to inform members, friends and supporters of late breaking news and events regarding the organization and the men and women who drive the movement.   Thad Jones is the publisher.

Add any trademarks here

FW: Bus Transportation to Springfield

Deacon Jefferson can you forward for me please -- Thanks.

New Sunny Mount has approval the use of the Bus.  The cost per person is $35.00; however, we will need to recruit at least 50 people; otherwise the cost could increase. You can bring your money to me personally (Linda Mackey) on Wednesday, evening, October 6, between 5:45 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.  The cost of the hotel is $71 plus taxes.  You will need to call and make reservations immediately (Ramada Oasis Convention Center - 1-888-532-4338).  As of today, rooms are still available.

Note:  This trip is based on a first come, first serve basis
Linda Joyce Mackey

314 440-6625