Friday, October 29, 2010

7 State Workshop Evangelism 2010

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Bro. Delester Jefferson
Street Witnessing Coordinator
Nat’l Baptist Laymen Ministry
314-239-0461 cell

National Baptist Laymen 
7 State Walter Cade Jr. Workshop
Evangelistic Effort Report
October 23, 2010

Carver Park

8th & N. Brown

Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Approximately 150 workshop participants converged on the Carver Housing Community, inviting residence to come to an evangelistic service at the Park. The threat of inclimate weather kept many would be attendees away. It had rained earlier and there was an over cast. The sun did peep thru the clouds shortly near the end of the service.

As residents were invited, many were unable to attend the event, however, several asked for prayer. Some 10 households were prayed for by the witnessing teams as they canvassed the neighborhood.

One resident was Pastor Clarence Easley (414-795-5867) of the Holy Lite Ministry Church at 277 N. 20th. He was excited to see so many “Men” on a Saturday out trying to win souls for Christ. He asked how to get involved with the Layman Movement. I took him to Dea. Albert Brown, Layman President of the General Baptist State Convention of Wisconsin, Inc. who said he would follow up.

3 Convention Churches were represented at the service:

Greater Spring Hill – Rev. Roosevelt Savage, Pastor

Providence Baptist Church – Rev. Joe A. Games, Sr. Pastor

Greater Galilee MB Church – Rev. Johnny C. Whiter Jr. D. Min – Pastor

A soul stirring Evangelistic Message was presented by; Rev. Vann C. Williams, Pastor

Second Baptist Church, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Subject: Genesis 18:20-33 “God is Looking For Some Righteous Men”

After the preaching of the Gospel, the Door of the Church was open and all residents and other guest in attendance were witnessed to.

There were 8 who rededicated their lives to Christ and 4 Candidates for Baptism for a total of 12.


1. Tyrone Brown   Candidate Baptism
2. Andre Carter   Candidate Baptism
3. Breshawn Erick Mason   Candidate Baptism
4. Jayson Murrell   Candidate Baptism
5. Tyshawn Lloyd   Christian Experience
6. Tommie Lloyd   Christian Experience
7. Timothy Lloyd   Christian Experience
8. Torrel Lloyd   Christian Experience
9. Gloria Durden   Christian Experience
10. Angelo Walker   Christian Experience
11. Johnnetta Linton   Christian Experience
12. Janternova Brodie   Christian Experience

All contact info was given to Deacon Albert Brown for follow up.

Bro. David Bozeman

Follow-Up Committee Chairman

(Report submitted by Delester Jefferson)

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