Sunday, October 3, 2010

Berean Congress October Meeting

Monday October  4, 2010 due to State Convention starting on the 2nd Monday (Oct.11th) in Springfield, Mo.

Here is the information for the Congress.  The Christian Education Series is for the new, seasoned and future Christian Education Directors, Sunday School Superintendents, Teachers (not just in Sunday School), and Youth Directors, as well as those just interested in Christian Education.  They will meet in the main sanctuary and their lecturer will be Rev. James Rogers.  In October, Rev. Rogers will complete his lecture and we will agree upon another date to meet and have a full discussion on Effective Bible Reading.  Rev. Rogers has agreed to meet with us to answer any questions.  The total hours for this particular class is four.  Registration cards will be available for on Monday, September 13 at 6:30 for them to register for the classes.  I have also enclosed the other classes for Monday night.

Rev. Gary L. Anderson has agreed to return and teach the class "How to Call a Pastor".  I encourage any churches without a pastor to take this class.  He has valuable information to share with them.  Rev. Anderson will be recertified to teach this class in our Annual Leadership Training School, but don't wait until then, get the information now and share with your Pastor Search Committee and your congregation. 

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me by email or  telephone (see number below).

Your Fellow Servant of Christ,

Dari Ragland

Consultant and Trainer


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