Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Feed Homeless Volunteers

     The Ark of Safety Centers, Inc., assisted by The Berean District Laymen need volunteers to help feed the homeless for Christmas. The Ministry will occur on December 26, 2009 at Mercy Seat Baptist Church, 4424 Washington Blvd, St. Louis, Mo., Rev Dr James Brown, Pastor, from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Set up will start at 10:00am and we will start serving around 11:30am to 12noon. We start cleaning up around 4pm so we can be out by 5pm.

     Volunteers are needed to provide food, serve the food, and most importantly minister to them as they enjoy a holiday meal. A total of 300 are expected to be fed.

     Ark of Safety is a 501 3c not for profit organization also providing Transitional Housing for ex offenders and homeless who are ready to get into a structured program.

      To volunteer please contact:

           Rev Kenneth McClamb - 314-807-8520     Director/CEO  of Ark of Safety

           General Smith  314-369-2028   Mercy Seat Layman

           Delester Jefferson 314-239-0461  President, Berean District Laymen

Need 30 Volunteers to serve and minister to guest

Need Food:   7  Large Aluminum pans of spaghetti
                  7   Large Aluminum Pans of String Beans
                      Several large containers of Potatoes Salad
                      Turkey's (12)
                      Ham's    (12)
                      Dessert's (cakes, pies, cookies etc)

Please call and let us know how you will assist with this ministry, God Bless.

There is someone waiting on the other side of your obedience....

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