Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prostate Cancer Walk 2010

Letter to Pastors

To: God's Under Shepherd &                                                               April 22, 2010

Your Official Staff

I greet you in the matchless name of Jesus, the Great Shepherd of the Sheep, God's only begotten Son.

As President of the Berean District Laymen Ministry, I am petitioning you, your official staff and congregants to participate in one of the Berean District Laymen Health Initiatives, assisting with the 100 Black Men of Greater St. Louis, 8th Annual Prostate Cancer Survivors and Awareness Walk.

As a Volunteer for this Event, I am asking/challenging all Churches, especially Berean District Association Churches, to register the Men and Women of your Congregation to be a part of this Annual Prostate Cancer Awareness Event which will be held, Saturday, August 28, 2010.

It is sad that many of our people don't know that Prostate Cancer is the 2nd leading Cancer Killer of Black/African American Males among all the races and age groups. A death rate that is twice as high as other ethnic groups. This Annual Walk/Funds Raiser, helps make it known "If Detected and Treated early, the survival rate for Prostate Cancer is almost 100% " and also make funds available for research.

My goal as President of The Berean District Laymen is to beseech you to register a minimum of 10 members, with a preference of the entire congregation. The cost of Registration is $20.00 per person. The Registration Includes. a T-Shirt, Free Admission to the Missouri Black Expo (immediately following the walk) and a Free On-Site PSA Blood Screening for Men Over 35. Any male who has test results that are higher than normal will be contacted and instructed to see a physician for follow up. Non-Walker's are asked to register as a sign/way of support and pray for a cure while those who are able are walking the 2 mile Event .

Bro. Samuel Gradford (314-303-0895), Bro. Ronald Elliot (314-438-0802) and Bro. Elswerth Caviness (314-750-7849) are the Official Berean Laymen Liaison/contacts for this Event. They are available to assist you with your Church Registration.

His Servant,

Delester Jefferson

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