Wednesday, February 24, 2010

BYF Role-Model Banquet

Berean Congress of Christian Education

Auxiliary to the Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Rev. Darral Johnson, Congress President

Ms. Alcurtis Franks, Executive Secretary

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr., Moderator

Greetings in the Name of Christ

The Berean District Baptist Youth Fellowship will be sponsoring a Role-Model Banquet on Friday evening, April 10, 2010 at the New Beginnings Baptist Church, 4055 Edmundson, Woodson Terrace, Rev. Carl Smith, Pastor.

The idea of having a Role-Model Banquet was mentioned during the report presented by the Congress of Christian Education and the BUF during the Association Board Meeting in August 2009. It was acknowledged then that there could be no Role-Model Banquet without the support of the pastors. The pastors who were present at the Board Meeting voiced their approval. So the Role-Model Banquet was listed in the 2009-2010 yearbook as one of the BYF activities for the year.

The BYF is now requesting that your church please participate in and support this endeavor. Please look among your young people and choose at least one male and one female between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty-two (22) who in attitude, words, and behavior displays Christian character that could and should be emulated by others.

There will be a $30.00 fee requested for each participant. This will be a recognition of and presentation of Christian role models. The persons chosen by your church should already be displaying observable Christian character traits. This should not be an occasion to try to boost someone’s low self-esteem, to try to halt bad behavior, or to rehabilitate anyone.

Members of your church can also participate by purchasing a twenty dollar, $20.00 banquet ticket. The tickets will be made available in March.

Our young people today are bombarded with images from all types of media that show people (even people their own age), engaging gin all types of non-Christian, despicable, and illegal activities. Yet these non-Christian acts bring the participants in them attention, popularity, applause, and often money.

Please support and participate with the District BYF in this Role-Model Banquet. Just complete the enclosed form and return it to the address listed on the form. You can also email the information or you may provide the information by telephone.

The world hollers and cheers for those who they consider winners. Let’s choose and present some Christian role-models, and then cheer for them. Having decided to follow Jesus certainly makes our role-models winners.

Yours in Christ,

Sis. Dizonia L. Irving, BYF Director

Rev. Darral Johnson, Congress President

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr., Moderator

Baptist Youth Fellowship Role Model Banquet

Of the Berean Congress of Christian Education

An Auxiliary of the

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Role Model Participant-Female

Role Model Participant – Male







Home Phone

Home Phone

Cell Phone

Cell Phone

Role Model Participant-Female

Role Model Participant – Male







Home Phone

Home Phone

Cell Phone

Cell Phone

$30.00 per participant Amount Enclosed: ___________________

**Make checks payable to Berean Congress of Christian Education

Mail this form to:

Dizonia L. Irving

4729 Lee Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63115


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