Saturday, February 27, 2010

Deacon Workshop - Luther Lewis Faciliator



In response to your request for deacon training, I have Scheduled, Deacon Luther Lewis, to  conduct a workshop for Deacons on Saturday, March 6, 2010 at Union Missionary Baptist Church, 2957 Dayton, St. Louis, MO 63106, Rev Calvin Jones, Pastor, phone 314-535-7839.

Deacon Lewis is an outstanding Deacon that teaches Deacon Class throughout the country and in our National Convention.

The workshop time will be 9 - 1

Registration Fee $10.00

This workshop is sponsored by the Missouri State Laymen

Serving Him,

Leno Blue, President

Missouri State Laymen

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Berean District Leadership Training School

Berean Congress of Christian Education

Auxiliary to the Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Rev. Darral Johnson, Congress President

Ms. Alcurtis Franks, Executive Secretary

Ms. Daereonni Y. Ragland, Dean

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr., Moderator

February 15, 2010

Greetings in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ:

It is almost time for the Berean District Leadership Training School and we are excited about this school. Our lecturer for the week will be the new National Baptist Congress President: Dr. George Waddles, Sr. Dr. Waddles is no stranger to Berean he has shared with us before. Our dates and location for the school are:

May 17-21, 2010

(Monday – Friday) 6:30-9:00 p.m.

Zion Travelers Missionary Baptist Church

351 Chambers Road

Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie, Host Pastor

Enclosed is the course listing for this year’s school. There have been a few changes to the course listing, so we ask that you review the course listing carefully. The registration fee is $150.00 per church. We encourage all churches to register as soon as possible. Our registration procedures have change as we ask that you will follow these procedures to ensure that each church and each person is registered properly.


You may pre-register by mail by sending your registration forms and fee to the following address (do not send cash):

Dean Dari Ragland

c/o Berean District Christian Leadership School

6937 Corbitt Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63130-2404


You may send your registration forms to the following email address: Dari Ragland at . In the subject line type: Your church name – 2010 Annual Leadership School Registration. However, your registration is not complete until we receive the registration fee. We must receive the fee within ten (10) days of the date you emailed your registration forms.


You may register the second Monday night of March, April, or May during the monthly Congress meetings. Our meetings are held at the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church located at 4300 Delmar. Our final pre-registration day in person is: May 1, 2010 @ Greater Progressive    10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. If you have preregistered prior to this date and need to add additional persons to your registration form, you may do so on this date. All pre-registered churches may pick up their registration information at this time.


This year, school surveys will be passed out on Monday night, and there will be additional questions on the survey. We ask that you will give your full attention to the survey, complete it and return it to the Dean’s Office by Thursday, May 20th. There is no need to wait until Friday to return the surveys.


Those persons in the Certificate of Progress Program (COPP) as asked to be sure to let the instructors know that you need to have forms completed by Friday of that week. Forms are available in the Dean’s Office. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


This year, Christian Leadership School Committee has made the decision to cancel any courses with attendance of less than five (5) by Tuesday. If you are planning on attending class, please register for that class and make sure you are in class every day so that your class will not be cancelled. If you must be absent, please inform your instructor that you will be absent. If your class is cancelled, please come to the Dean’s Office for further instructions.

Our goal this year is to make registration as easy for you as possible. However, if every church waits until the last minute to mail, email or register in person, it becomes difficult for our staff to be as efficient as we can. We ask for your continued prayers for our Annual Leadership Training School, the staff and faculty and for Berean District. Our ultimate goal is to equip the Saints to win souls for Christ. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our school or the classes, please do not hesitate to contact me at the following:



home phone: 314-260-9692

cell phone: 314-537-3619

May God continue to bless you and keep you is my prayer.

Your fellow servant of Christ,

Daereonni Y. Ragland

Daereonni “Dari” Ragland, Dean

2010 Berean Christian Leadership and Training School Course Listing


1004 – Effective Bible Reading (Phase 1) Rev. Curtis Hinton

This course identifies methods and approaches to Bible study that can lead to spiritual growth and Christian maturity. Areas that will be covered include the structure of the Bible, resources for personal study, and other subjects that will add meaning to the reading of the Bible.

1007 – Introduction to the Old Testament (Phase 1) Rev. Jerry Hodges

This course will survey the Old Testament and will include a general overview of the divisions, time periods, places, events, people, and archaeology of the Old Testament.

1079 – Survey of John (Phase 3) Rev. Steve Wooten

This course will focus on the fourth gospel and its uniqueness. Students will identify the specific features that characterize John’s gospel and distinguish it from the Synoptic Gospels, with emphasis on John’s writings and the ministry of Jesus Christ.

1086 – Church History in Acts (Phase3) Rev. Dr. Ronald L. Bobo

This course will focus on the development of the church after the ascension of Jesus Christ. Students will probe information about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost and the spreading of the Gospel from Jerusalem, Judah, Samaria, and throughout the known world. The prominence of Peter and Paul will be highlighted.

1113 – Revelation, Part I ((Elective) Rev. Dr. James Brown, Sr.

This course will focus on the first eleven chapters in the book of Revelation with emphasis on authorship, date, theme, and recipients. The students will study the significance of “seven” in the book of Revelation (churches, spirits, lamp stands, stars, seals, horns, angels, trumpets, thunders, heads, last plagues, golden bowls, and kings.


2011 – Baptist Doctrine (Phase 1) Rev. Dr. Charles Brown, Sr.

This course examines, with simplicity and clarity, the basic teachings of the Baptist faith. Students will explore each doctrinal position and the basis for each doctrinal position taught in the class.

2023 – Creative Ways of Teaching (Required for Teaching) Dr. Claudia Fowler

This course is designed to instruct in the methods of teaching in the local church setting. It is designed to assist teachers in discovering new ways of teaching, such as learning behaviors, strategies of student learning, and behavior.

2071 – Christian Character and How it Develops (Phase 3) Mrs. Brenda Elliott-Lee

This course will concentrate on the components of Christian character. Students will identify the method for the growth of Christian character. Case studies will be used to apply biblical principles to contemporary, social, economic and political issues.

2080 – Missionary Education in the Local Church (Elective) Mrs. Annie Tucker

This course will introduce ways to build missionary ministries into the total education program of the local church. Students will learn how to plan both missionary conferences and classes on the work of missions.


3008 – History of Christianity (Phase 1) Rev. Cornelius J. Osby

This course will outline the development of the Christian movement from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth to present times. Students will focus on the culture and times that enable Christianity to spawn and grow. Prominent persons who impacted the Christian movement will be identified.


4012 – The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Phase 2) Rev. Ralph Jackson

Students will study the person and work of the Holy Spirit. This study will include a thorough look at the corresponding doctrines that impact our understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit. The students will be able to clearly identify this doctrine of the church with a holistic understanding of salvation, with special emphasis on justification, redemption, and sanctification.


5012 – Becoming an Effective Deacon (Elective) Mr. William Foster, Jr.

This course is designed to assist the deacon in becoming aware of his biblical base. The students will be presented with ideas that will enable them to more effectively perform their duties while working harmoniously with the pastor in carrying out the mission and program of the church.

5015 – The Role of the Minister’s Wife (Certificate) Mrs. Lizzie Brown

This course is designed to focus on the minister’s wife and her responsibilities as a Christian, a mother, wife, leader, and community servant.

5016 – The Role of the Deacon’s Wife/Deaconess (Certificate) Mrs. Beatrice Chapple

This course is designed to assist the deacon’s wife and deaconess in becoming aware how she can effectively contribute to the work of the deacon. Students taking this course will be presented with biblically-based ideas that will enable them to be more proficient in the performance of their responsibilities.


6021 – Spiritual Maturation I (Phase 4) Rev. Dr. Jimmy L. Brown

This course is designed to explore the students’ consciousness of the Spirit and spirituality. This study will reveal how to recognize the Spirit’s presence in our lives and how the Spirit shapes the lives of believers through various life experiences.


7005 – Christian Evangelism (Phase 3) Rev. Larry Boyd

This course is designed to teach the basic steps in developing a program of evangelism. Students will discover the appropriate Scriptures to use and the methods and techniques to witness to the non-believer.

7024 – How to Become a Strong, Christian Black Woman (Elective)

Mrs. Relda D. Owens-Mathews

This course is designed to assist the woman by exploring the lives of extraordinary women – contemporary and biblical. The course will focus on the traits of spirituality, motherhood, servant-hood and self-worth, with the aim of gaining the value of women with a thorough examination of Proverbs 31.

7033 – Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts (Phase 4) Rev. Dr. Carlton R. Caldwell

The aim of this course is to help the students understand who God has uniquely made them to be. In addition, in this course, the students will work through a spiritual gift assessment that will help them to discover the spiritual gift(s). Discovering their spiritual gifts will prepare them to move into a meaningful area of service where they best fit into the body of Christ.


8002 – Prayer Seminar (Certificate) Rev. James C. Lacy

This course is designed to study the biblical basis for prayer and the importance of prayer in the lives of Christians. Emphasis will be placed on ways of organizing the local church prayer meeting ministry for effectiveness. Students will investigate methods for promoting attendance and participation.

8019 – The Ministry of Church Ushering (Elective) Mrs. Alice K. Wilson

This course is designed to teach the ministry of ushering in the church. Students will also learn the basic signs, positions, and post locations commonly used in ushering within the church.

8020 – The Ministry of Church Nursing (Elective) TBA

This is a study of the services provided by the nursing ministry of the church. Attention will be given to the needs for this ministry, with special emphasis on the tasks appropriate for local church ministry. Health care resources and possible church health-related activities will be identified, including procedures for setting up a health fair and other programs to address the health needs of the community.


9008 – Public Speaking (Required to Teach) Mrs. Patricia Hill

This course will identify the process and principles for writing and publicly delivering speeches. In addition to these skills, the students will learn basic verbal and nonverbal communications skills that will enable them to effectively communicate with audiences of all sizes.


9911 – The Role of the Associate/Assistant Minister (Certificate) Rev. Lee Harden

This course reviews the traditional role of associate and assistant ministers. Recognizing that there is no universal standard for the associate or assistant minister, students will study known model of work as a staff associate or assistant minister and the importance of building a meaningful and workable relationship with the senior pastor.

9915 – The Essentials of Biblical Research (Elective) Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie

This course is designed to acquaint students with the tools necessary to conduct thorough research in the Scriptures. It will train students in the use of biblical tools and methodologies for conducting biblical research.


2030 – Teaching Nursery Children (Certificate) Ms. Amanda Henderson

Ms. Monica Dickens

This course is for children of preschool age (3-5 years old). Instructors will assist children in learning basic information about the Bible and Jesus. Children must be potty trained. Parents must leave information with instructors regarding the class they will be in. Parents should leave their class five minutes early to pick up their children from their classroom.

2034 – Children’s Division: The Use of the Bible with Children (Certificate)

Ms. Deborah Howard

This course is for children five (5) and over who are not enrolled in the Sunbeams or Red Circle classes. Instructors will assist children with the Junior Memory Work as well as assist them in learning how to use the Bible. Parents must leave information with instructors regarding the class they will be in.

2055 – The Baptist Youth Fellowship (Certificate) Mrs. Dizonia Irving, Director

This course is designed for youth to gain a better understand and develop a closer relationship with Christ and their parents. Students will continue to focus on their theme for the 2009-2010 year “Being a Christian Youth in the 21st Century”.

2082A – Missionary Education for Children-Sunbeams (Ages 6-8) (Certificate)

Mrs. Marsha Bryant

This course is will introduce the work of missions to children. Sunbeams will work on their sunbeam step.

2082B – Missionary Education for Children-Red Circle Girls (Ages 9-17) (Certificate)

Mrs. Lucy Walls

This course is will introduce the work of missions to children. Red Circle girls will work on their steps.

2082C – Missionary Education for Children-YWA’s (Certificate)

Mrs. Sylvia Toney

This course is will introduce the work of missions to children. YWA’s will work on their steps.

8007 – The Program of the Young Matron’s Ministry (Ages up to 35) (Certificate) Mrs. Darlene Barton

This course will enable students to set up YW/YM Ministries in their churches. Emphasis will be placed on the population to be served and the kinds of programmatic activities that can be developed. Students will also study the history of the ministry in the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. They will also prepare to take their steps in their local churches and district.

8011 – Targeted Actions for Junior Laymen (Elective) Mr. Delester Jefferson

This course will assist in the leadership and development of junior laymen ministries in the local church community. The students will learn the elements of the national program and will be encouraged to make application to their local congregation. Counselors for Junior Laymen are encouraged to attend along with their Junior Laymen.





Name of Church District

Address of church

City Zip Code Phone

Contact Person (For registration questions, include phone #)


Representation Fee Receipt No.



List Title: Rev., Dr., Mrs., Ms., Mr.


(Include Zip Code)

































NAME: List Title: Rev., Dr., Mrs., Ms., Mr.

FULL ADDRESS (Include Zip Code)




















































Vacation Bible School Workshop

clip_image002Vacation Bible School Workshop

Hosted by Berean Congress of Christian Education

Presented by Sunday School Publishing Board

Held at Saturday, March 20, 2010

St. Luke Memorial Missionary Baptist Church 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Rev. Dr. Jimmy L. Brown, Pastor Breakfast begins at 9:30 a.m.

3623 Finney Avenue – St. Louis, MO Participants must preregister for this workshop

Send registration to:

Dari Ragland, Dean

Berean District Congress of Christian Education

6937 Corbitt Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63130-2404


Sis. Dari Ragland, Dean Rev. Darral Johnson, Congress President Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Moderator

Workshop Fee is $25.00 per church up to 3 people may attend from any church

*This workshop is open to all Districts and all churches of the National Baptist Convention

Vacation Bible School Workshop Registration Saturday, March 20, 2010

Please print

Church: ________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: ________________

District Association: _______________________________________________________________________


Name: ______________________________ ______ _______________________________ _________

First Middle Last Title (Mr., Ms.)

Name: ______________________________ ______ _______________________________ _________

First Middle Last Title (Mr., Ms.)

Name: ______________________________ ______ _______________________________ _________

First Middle Last Title (Mr., Ms.)

Make checks payable to: Berean District Congress of Christian Education

Registrar’s Initials: ___________ Date: ________/_________/________

BYF Role-Model Banquet

Berean Congress of Christian Education

Auxiliary to the Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Rev. Darral Johnson, Congress President

Ms. Alcurtis Franks, Executive Secretary

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr., Moderator

Greetings in the Name of Christ

The Berean District Baptist Youth Fellowship will be sponsoring a Role-Model Banquet on Friday evening, April 10, 2010 at the New Beginnings Baptist Church, 4055 Edmundson, Woodson Terrace, Rev. Carl Smith, Pastor.

The idea of having a Role-Model Banquet was mentioned during the report presented by the Congress of Christian Education and the BUF during the Association Board Meeting in August 2009. It was acknowledged then that there could be no Role-Model Banquet without the support of the pastors. The pastors who were present at the Board Meeting voiced their approval. So the Role-Model Banquet was listed in the 2009-2010 yearbook as one of the BYF activities for the year.

The BYF is now requesting that your church please participate in and support this endeavor. Please look among your young people and choose at least one male and one female between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty-two (22) who in attitude, words, and behavior displays Christian character that could and should be emulated by others.

There will be a $30.00 fee requested for each participant. This will be a recognition of and presentation of Christian role models. The persons chosen by your church should already be displaying observable Christian character traits. This should not be an occasion to try to boost someone’s low self-esteem, to try to halt bad behavior, or to rehabilitate anyone.

Members of your church can also participate by purchasing a twenty dollar, $20.00 banquet ticket. The tickets will be made available in March.

Our young people today are bombarded with images from all types of media that show people (even people their own age), engaging gin all types of non-Christian, despicable, and illegal activities. Yet these non-Christian acts bring the participants in them attention, popularity, applause, and often money.

Please support and participate with the District BYF in this Role-Model Banquet. Just complete the enclosed form and return it to the address listed on the form. You can also email the information or you may provide the information by telephone.

The world hollers and cheers for those who they consider winners. Let’s choose and present some Christian role-models, and then cheer for them. Having decided to follow Jesus certainly makes our role-models winners.

Yours in Christ,

Sis. Dizonia L. Irving, BYF Director

Rev. Darral Johnson, Congress President

Rev. Reginald D. Rogers, Sr., Moderator

Baptist Youth Fellowship Role Model Banquet

Of the Berean Congress of Christian Education

An Auxiliary of the

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association

Role Model Participant-Female

Role Model Participant – Male







Home Phone

Home Phone

Cell Phone

Cell Phone

Role Model Participant-Female

Role Model Participant – Male







Home Phone

Home Phone

Cell Phone

Cell Phone

$30.00 per participant Amount Enclosed: ___________________

**Make checks payable to Berean Congress of Christian Education

Mail this form to:

Dizonia L. Irving

4729 Lee Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63115


Job Fair


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Youth Workers and Youth Leaders Workshop

Good Afternoon All,

I wanted to provide the information for the Youth Workers and Youth Leaders Workshop occuring this Saturday Feb. 27th, 2010 at Zion Travelers MB Church  The workshop will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Our Facilitators, Sis. Theresa Byrd, Young People's Director of the Mo. State WMU has confirmed for this event.  It will be very embarassing for ZT Project: NeXgeneration if our Facilitator arrives and we (Youth Workers and Youth Leaders) do not support the event.  If you are a Youth Leader or Youth Worker with Project: NeXgeneration Youth Ministry,  Rev. Jones has strongly requested your attendance.  As Youth Workers we must be better equipted to lead God's youth.  Sis. Theresa Byrd is the most vibrant and energetic Youth Director I know.  Respond back to me and let me know if you will be attending. 

The Youth Dept. will provide the meat for lunch.  I am asking each person to provide a side dish.  ZT is participating in a church-wide fast....therefore... we are asking all side dishes to be fruits, vegetables or whole-wheat Pasta's and Breads.  Please respond back to me, by Wednesday Feb. 24th and tell me what your your side dish will be. 

We want to be a blessing to Sis. Byrd.  Please bring a love offering of $10 (if you can).  She is traveling from Liberty, Mo. to be with us and we need to be a blessing to her. 

Our topics for the workshop are:

1.    The Commitment & Responsibility of the Youth Worker

Leadership Style (Draw vs. Drive)

             Personality Match

            Continuing Christian Education

            Youth Relationship Development

2.    The Youth of Yesterday vs. Youth of Today

3.    The High Risk Youth

            Fatherless Youth,

            The Gang Influence

            The Hip-Hop Influence

            The '"Precious" Youth

4.    Determining the Need and Providing Resources

5.    Urban Ministry Development with No $$$$

6.    The Challenge of the Young Adult Ministry

            Campus Ministry

            Lack of Young Adult Ministry

7.       The Method of Youth Ministry

8.       Strategies for Future Ministry Development (Raising the Bar)

God Bless,

Sylvia Ross-Toney

Director of Youth Ministries
Direct: (314) 456-8927

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prayer Request

Rev Curtis Hinton (husband of Dean Minnie Hinton), Associate Minister at Northern Baptist Church, suffered a bad stroke on Monday, February 15, 2010. He is currently at: The Rehab Institute, 4455 Duncan, room 218. Please add him and Sis. Minnie to your prayer list. Cards and well wishes can be sent to: Rev Curtis (Mrs. Minnie) Hinton, 11736 Branridge Rd., Florissant, Mo. 63033

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sparkman Job Fair

Job Fair Postcards_back_REVISED

Black History 365 X 7

Subject:  Black History (Good for Children)

Pass this to someone that is building a Black History Library

This is by far the best I have EVER seen! Whoever put this together deserves an award. This is a keeper, especially for the kids.

editors note: I have glanced at this site and have to add my sentiments to those expressed above. I cried at some of the stories! (happy tears of course!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Junior Matron Luncheon

MO. State Junior Matron Luncheon

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Beginning promptly at 10:30 a.m.


Host Church - Second Baptist Church

407 E Broadway, Columbia, MO


“Living Above Worry and Stress”

Theme Scripture: John 16:33 –

“In this world you will have trouble. But be of good cheer.

God has overcome the world”

Let’s take a little time to explore the Scriptures, and find some practical guidelines for laying aside our fears, our worries, and our stress.

Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri

Women’s Missionary and Educational Union

Young People’s Department

Precious Love-Strader, State Jr. Matron President

Sis. Loes Hedge, State Jr. Matron Counselor

Sister Theresa Byrd, State Youth Director

Dr. Claudia Fowler, WMU President

Dr. Jimmie Brown, Convention President

Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri

Women’s Missionary and Educational Union

Young People’s Department

February 5, 2010

Dear Sisters in Christ,

The time has come again to hold our annual state Jr. Matron Luncheon. This year our focus will be on “Living above stress and worry through scripture and prayer.” We are again honored to have our luncheon held at Second Baptist Church in Columbia. The address of the church is: 407 E Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201. Our luncheon will begin promptly at 10:30 a.m. so please arrive on time. Lunch is being provided by the WMU of Second Baptist, and will follow the program. If possible, please contact me to let me know how many from your church will attend our luncheon so that we can prepare accordingly.

Also, we are in dire need of state officers. I you feel that this is something that you would like to pursue please pray over it and bring your desire to my attention as well.

My contact information is below.

May God Bless You and Keep You!

Precious Love-Strader, State Jr. Matron President

5405 Long View Drive, St. Joseph, MO 63503

(816) 294-2821

Precious Love-Strader, State Jr. Matron President

Sis. Loes Hedge, State Jr. Matron Counselor

Sister Theresa Byrd, State Youth Director

Dr. Claudia Fowler, WMU President

Dr. Jimmie Brown, Convention President

Monday, February 15, 2010

Department of Evangelism Meeting - Monday, February 22nd @ 7pm


Missionary Baptist State Convention

Rev. Dr. Jimmy L. Brown, President

Department of Evangelism

Dr. Oliver K. Patterson, Sr., Director

February 15, 2010

Dear Berean, Antioch, Philadelphia, and Union District Pastors:

Greetings, in the Mighty name of Jesus, our Christ, who claims us as His own, who calls us to continued ministry for Him, and who commissions us into active ministry of reconciling others through evangelism.

I’m writing to inform you that our next Evangelism training session will be on Monday, February 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. @ Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Richmond Heights, Missouri  63144. 

I am encouraging you to come and invite four evangelistic minded persons; Men and Women are needed.

Remember, “This is the work of the Lord’s Church”.

“May God continue to bless you and your ministry for His cause” is my continued prayer for you.

For the cause of Christ,

Oliver K. Patterson, Sr.

Director of Evangelism,

Missionary Baptist State Convention of Missouri

Watch Our Winning for A Christ Centered Convention!

1500 South Hanley Road · Richmond Heights, MO  63144 · Phone-314-647-3391 · Fax-314-647-0398 ·


God Bless!

Brenda S. Stewart, Secretary
Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
1500 S. Hanley Rd.
Richmond Heights, MO 63144
Ph.: 314.647.3391 * Fax: 314.647.0398
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

African American (Black) History Month

Want to learn more about African American heritage and Accomplishments? Visit the U.S. Government page at:

For links to the Library of Congress,  National Gallery of Art, National Archives and Records Administration and more!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Past Presidents Luncheon

Berean District Laymen

Bro. Delester Jefferson, President

Rev Reginald D. Rogers, Sr. Moderator


Past Presidents

Recognition Luncheon and Fellowship

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Tickets  $10.00


Prospect Hill MB Church

4533 Arlington

(corner of Arlington & Adrian F. Jones Blvd.)

St. Louis, Mo. 63120

Bro. Wm. Foster, Jr. Chairman 314-863-4520 hm ; 314-952-5786 cell

Bro. Willie Smith - Cochairman  314-276-5807

Bro. Arris Harris - Cochairman & Caterer - 314-575-3333

Thursday, February 11, 2010



Even if you do not have a college-aged child at home, please share this with someone who does, and to anyone and everyone that comes to mind. Though there are a number of companies and organizations that have donated money for scholarships to African Americans, a great deal of the money is being returned because of a lack of interest or awareness.

Take the initiative to get your children involved. Money shouldn't be returned to donating companies because we fail to apply for it.

Please pass this information on to family members, nieces, nephews, friends with children etc. We must get the word out that money is available. If you are a college student or getting ready to become one, you probably already know how useful additional money can be.

(If clicking on the link doesn't work, then type in the Web site address manually.)


2) Student Inventors Scholarships

3) Student Video Scholarships /vidcon2k.html

4) Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships

5) Holocaust Remembrance Scholarships

6) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships http:/ /

7) Brand Essay Competition

8) Gates Millennlum=2 0Scholarships (major)

9) Xerox Scholarships for Students

10) Sports Scholarships and Internships

11) National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ) < /FONT>

12) Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary)

13) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund

14) FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid scholarships)

15) Presidential Freedom Scholarships

16) Microsoft Scholarship Program

17) WiredScholar Free Scholarship Search


18) Hope Scholarships &Lifetime Credits

19) William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students

20) Multiple List of Minority Scholarships

21) Guaranteed Scholarships

22) BOEING scholarships (som e HBCU connects)

23) Easley National Scholarship Program

24) Maryland Artists Scholarships

26) Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship (for AA students in South Florida )

27) Historically Black College & University Scholarships

28) Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students

29) International Students Scholarships &Aid Help

30) College Board Scholarship Search

31) Burger King Scholarship=2 0Program

32) Siemens Westinghouse Competition http://www.siemens-foundationorg/

33) GE and LuLac Scholarship Funds

34) CollegeNet ' s Scholarship Database

35) Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid http://www.aflcioorg/scholarships/scholar.htm

36) Federal Scholarships &Aid Gateways 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel

37) Scholarship &Financial Aid Help

38) Scholarship Links (Ed Finance Group)

39) FAFSA On The Web (Your Key Aid Form &Info)

40) Aid &Resources For Re-Entry Students

41) Scholarships and Fellowships tml

42) Scholarships for Study in Paralegal Studies

43) HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships (for study around the world)

44) Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities

45) INROADS internships

46) ACT-SO bEURoeOlympics of the Mind 'A Scholarships'ttp://

47) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships'ttp://

48) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing'ttp://

49) Graduate Fellowships For Minorities Nationwide'ttp://

50) RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS AT OXFORD 'ttp:// /info.html

51) The Roothbert Scholarship Fund 'ttp://

Useful scholarship information


SunTrust Off to College Scholarship -- OnGoing until May 14, 2010
Win $1,000 for College or Private Career School Tuition! High school seniors can win a $1,000 scholarship for first year expenses at an accredited college or private career school. One winner will be chosen every two weeks from October 30, 2009 through May 14, 2010. Students can begin registering September 14, 2009 and the first drawing will be held on October 30th.It's FREE to enter and

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Girls Incs Volunteer/Mentoring Coordinator -- Apply Now
Thanks to a grant from the Grizzlies Foundation, Girl Inc will be hiring a Volunteer/Mentoring Coordinator. Attached is the job description. I am looking for someone with experience coordinating volunteers and mentors. Let me know if you have any questions.Job Description and How to ApplyPlease share with others.

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2010 Microsoft Scholarships -- Deadline: March 19, 2010
If you’re interested in applying for the 2010-2011 academic year scholarships, make sure you postmark your application by March 19, 2010 in order for your application to be considered. Microsoft selects final candidates based on the following criteria:EligibilityQuality of applicationDisplayed interest in the software industryCommitment to leadershipFinancial needWe encourage student populations

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2010 MIRTHE Research Experience for Undergraduates -- Deadline: March 1, 2010
MIRTHE is a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center headquartered at Princeton University, with partners City College New York, Johns Hopkins University, Rice, Texas A&M, and the University of Maryland Baltimore County. The center encompasses a world-class team of engineers, chemists, physicists, environmental and bio-engineers, and clinicians. MIRTHE's goal is to develop

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Herbert Lehman Scholarships for African-American Students -- Deadline: March 31, 2010
Scholarships are awarded to African-American students who plan on attending a college that is traditionally underrepresented by African Americans. Lehman scholarships are awarded annually to African-American students who are pursuing undergraduate or law degrees. Scholarship amounts vary by year. Candidates are required to be citizens of the U.S. and must have outstanding potential as evidenced

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Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis Home -- Please Share!!!
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis is a nonprofit ecumenical Christian housing ministry dedicated to eliminating substandard housing in the city of Memphis and its surrounding areas. Habitat is committed to making decent housing a matter of conscience and action and building strong communities. The organization works to build simple, decent and affordable homes in partnership with low-income

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You may be eligible for funding of up to $5000 per year while you are in college or a vocational or technical training program!You may qualify if:1 You are 18, 19 or 20 years old.2 You are in foster care or you were in foster care as a teenager and you are a US citizen or qualified non-citizen3 You aged out of the foster care system at age 18 or were adopted from foster care with adoption

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Friday, February 5, 2010

February Meeting


Here’s a couple of highlights (in pictures) from our February Meeting…



Our President, Bro Delester Jefferson






Our Moderator, Rev. Reginald Rogers


Our Speaker for the day, Rev. Silva



Women’s Conference


For driving directions - Click Here
For more information about The Teleios Project-

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YPD Nursing Home Visit

This is a reminder to everyone that the Young People’s Department annual pilgrimage to Ferrier Harris located at Page & Cook is scheduled for February 15, 2010 @ 2:00 pm.  We again are asking for donations of socks and toiletries for the residents.  Also in honor of Black History month we ask that some of the youth come prepared with a special feature to share with the residents.  If you have any questions, please contact Sis. Alfreda Summers @ 314-869-6856.

Thank you

Alfreda L. Summers

Real Estate Coordinator

Hardee's Food Systems, Inc.

100 N. Broadway, Suite 1200

St. Louis, MO 63102-2706

Phone (314) 259-6418

Fax (714) 780-6166

It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help.

--Judith Martin

Free Income Tax Services

Tired of Paying Hundred$ for Tax Services?


Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School

Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School

Sponsoring FREE Income Tax Services

701 North Spring Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63108


If you are tired of paying hundreds of dollars for your tax services and have a family income under $50,000 this message is for you.

The St. Louis Tax Assistance Program (TAP) is offering FREE ELECTRONIC INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARATION and tax information to YOU! 

Tax Service Locations Dates and Times:


Cardinal Ritter College Prep

701 North Spring Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63108

WHEN: Every Saturday from 8:30 AM thru 11:30 AM on February 6, February 13, February 20, and February  27.  All TAP clients are seen on a first-come, first served basis.

(for additional information and other locations visit

SPONSORS: Conner Ash AP.C., 2e Creative, Believers Temple Word Fellowship Christian Church, Citi, Data Max Office Systems, US Bank, Enterprise Holdings Foundation, The Partnership Center, St. Charles School District, Schnucks Markets, Inc., St. Louis Chapter MSCPA, St. Mary's High School, Cardinal Ritter College Prep

TAP does NOT prepare income tax returns for taxpayers who have:

- Incomes over $50,000

- Rental Property

- Claim Itemized Deductions

- Sales of Stocks or Bonds

- Self-employment Income from a Trade or Business Requiring Schedule C







  • All W-2's and 1099's (if any)
  • Copy of 2008 tax return
  • Copy of your check for direct deposit of refund
  • Valid picture identification for taxpayer and spouse - Driver's License or Passport
  • Proof of child care expenses
  • Social Security Cards or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers for all family members
  • If joint return, both spouses must attend to sign

For questions, please visit or call 314-446-5500.

Sherry Wright-Gully, AAS

PTA President

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Berean District Ushers and Health Unit Prayer Breakfast

The Berean District Ushers and Health Unit are hosting a Prayer Breakfast on

Saturday, February 20th starting at 9am
The event will be at the New Northside Baptist Church
8645 Goodfellow
Where Bishop Willie J. Ellis is the Pastor

Tickets are only $10.00!
See your local Usher and Health Unit President for more information.







When: SATURDAY MARCH 6, 2010

Time: 8:30 a.m.

Place: The Debonaire Banquet Center (across from Northwest Plaza Mall)

          3515 North Lindbergh

          St. Louis MO

Tickets: $20.00 (Checks should be written to Berean District Minister's Wives and Widows

To Purchase tickets:Please contact Your Minister's Wife or a member of the Minister's Wives and Widows Auxiliary. A count needs to be in to chairperson, Sis. Roslyn Croft by February 13th, so please act now.

The J.E.Fiddmont Scholarship Breakfast is the major fundraiser which allows the Minister's Wives and Widows Auxiliary to supply scholarships to ten students each year.

Sis. Roslyn Croft, Chairperson

Sis. Romona Wooten, President

Rev. Reginald Rogers, Moderator

Body* Beauty* Style* Spirit*

Kathy A. Harris

Corresponding Secretary

Berean Missionary Baptist District Association


Monday, February 1, 2010

Diabetes Study group

The ABCs of Diabetes
CHIPS Invites You
Participate in a FREE Six Session Educational Study Group on
Diabetes Here at World Impact St. Louis
Sessions Start Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010 6-8 p.m. and include:
What Is Diabetes
How to Eat Right
How to Set Personal Goals
What About Blood Testing and Results
If you or a family member is diabetic,
this program is for YOU!
This program presented by the Diabetes
Network of St. Louis
Network Partners:
Community Health In Partnership Services
Institute for Family Medicine
Washington University Diabetic Center
The St. Louis Diabetes Coalition
For more information or to
join, contact Randy Riggs
(WI) at 533-8313 or Melissa or
Margie at CHIPS at 314-652-
Sessions conducted by a trained leader
Other class offerings:
A1C tests
Body Measurement
Blood Pressure
Light Refreshments
Complimentary gift card upon completion