Thursday, April 23, 2015

Manhood Training at Northern MBC


Christian Men,

Our 9th Annual Manhood Training program will commence on May 15-16 (again one week prior to Memorial weekend). We have had many new men become a part of our church ministry and prayerfully we will involve every man in this manhood training for our young boys.

In the wake of recent civil unrest, daily news of violent acts, and what seems to be an age of waywardness within our community, this training and more is needed and very important. 

If you know boys between the ages of 11 and 17, please considering introducing this program to their parents and assist with signing them up and completing the permission sheet.  Prayerfully we will reach 20 boys this year.  Please respond by Sunday, May 3, 2015.

Deacon Keith Spears

Monday, April 6, 2015

FW: American Red Cross: Smoke Alarm Installation Blitz

From: St. Louis Red Cross
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2015 09:33
To: Ron Elliott
Subject: American Red Cross: Smoke Alarm Installation Blitz

Good Morning!

You may have heard about the smoke alarm installation hotline the Eastern Missouri Region of the American Red Cross launched early February, which offers free smoke alarms to households in need. We pledged to install up to three alarms per home and provide residents with the life-saving preparedness information they would need should a fire strike. Since the launch of the hotline, we have received over 150 requests for smoke alarms in North County alone! Most of these residents who have requested alarms are in at-risk neighborhoods, disabled, or families with young children.

To meet these requests, we will be holding another Smoke Alarm Installation Blitz Weekend on Saturday, April 18th and Sunday, April 19th in North St. Louis County. We will be working with several local fire departments that have offered their partnership for the installations. We are asking for your time and support at this lifesaving event – please consider volunteering to help with the installation of alarms for and education of residents who have requested smoke alarms. As a volunteer, you would be trained to complete your assigned task, which would either be a preparedness or installer role. This training is minimal, and you would always participate as a member of a team going into residents' homes.

Who: Anyone is eligible to volunteer (but you do have to be older than 16 to go in resident's homes)

What: Another Smoke Alarm Installation Weekend Blitz Volunteer Opportunity!

Where: North County, orientation site TBA

When: Saturday, April 18th 9:00 AM-3:00 PM or Sunday, April 19th 9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Why: Because no home should go without a working smoke alarm and no person should live without the lifesaving knowledge of what to do when fires strike.

How to Register: Please complete the North St. Louis County 4/18 or 4/19 registration form<>.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Catherine Dalton at<>.

Fire experts agree that people may have a little as 2 minutes to escape a burning home before it's too late to get out. Home fires have no boundaries; the Red Cross's smoke alarm installation campaign helps ensure everyone has a fighting chance to get out. Thanks so much for considering volunteering at this lifesaving event. Please feel free to forward this on to anyone you know who may be interested in volunteering!

Thank you for your support in this life saving project and thank you for all you do for the American Red Cross!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Citywide Youth Revival



ST. LOUIS, MO 63120

Rev. Dr. Harold J. Butler, Pastor

March 3, 2015

Dear Berean Layman in Christ,

We the Northern Missionary Baptist Church WMU will host a City Wide Youth Revival. The dates are August 5-7, 2015, 7-9 pm nightly. Please see attached Flyer. We are asking each church to commit to bringing at least 5 youth or young adults each night. We have also be contacted the WMU Presidents and will be contacting the youth directors because we need everyone’s your help.

With the situation in Ferguson and the amount of Crime/Deaths in the St. Louis area it is time for us to step up and show our young people that there is a better way to live. We have young people who are living for Christ and it is time to highlight them. But we can’t do that, if our young people are not present to see, hear and participate.

Our plan is for young people to run the whole service each night from Praise and Worship to The Benediction. We have young ministers bringing the word each night. We will have youth choirs providing the music each night. Junior ushers will greet us at the doors. We plan to provide sandwiches/snacks for those present before the services begin.

A Youth Explosion is to be held Saturday, August 8, 2015. This is a chance for the young people to display their gifts and talents in their own way. If you have young people that will like to participate in the Youth Explosion, please let us know. All are welcome. The Services will climax with a Consecration Service on Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 3 pm. We are asking all that can to please dress in white on that Sunday afternoon. The choir will consist of those that have participated in the revival and wish to sing. The songs will be popular songs that everyone should know and no rehearsals will be required.

Please, plan now to include your young people in this momentous occasion. More information will be forthcoming. Also, please know that everyone is welcome regardless of denomination. Feel free to contact any member of the planning committee if you have any questions.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Cheryl Stubbs, WMU President Alfreda Wilbon, Young People Director

Northern Missionary Baptist Church Berean District Association

Rev. Darrian Jones, Pastor Rev. Manfret McGhee

Prospect Hill Missionary Baptist Church Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church

Sister Brenda Elliott-Lee Rev. Dr. Harold J. Butler, Pastor

Zion Travelers Missionary Baptist Church Northern Missionary Baptist Church

Revival Flyer

Smoke Detector Installation Blitz–N. St. Louis County


I received the information below from the Red Cross. They are once again soliciting support to install smoke detectors, this time in North St. Louis County. If you can help out, please sign up following the instructions below or touch bases with me and I get you signed up. Please pass this information along to others you think might be interested (including Women and Young Adults).

Thanks and God Bless!

Ron Elliott


We will be hosting another Smoke Alarm Installation Blitz Weekend on Saturday, April 18th and Sunday, April 19th in North St. Louis County. We have received over 150 requests for smoke alarms in North County. We will be working with several local fire departments who have offered their partnership for the installations. Details are below. If you are interested in helping, you can sign up on Volunteer Connection by clicking "My Shifts" and then "Home Fire Preparedness Campaign". The calendar will appear and you will be able to sign up just as you would for a DAT shift. With the large amount of homes we will be reaching, we need as much help as possible. If you have a friend or family member who would like to help us, they can use the registration form below. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me by e-mail or by phone.

When: Saturday, April 18th 9:00 AM-3:00 PM & Sunday, April 19th 9:00 AM-2:00 PM

Where: Meet at Red Cross Chapter Office for Training and Orientation (10195 Corporate Square Drive, St. Louis MO 63132)

North St. Louis County 4/18 or 4/19 registration form