Friday, April 12, 2013

Marrow Donors (Minority Donors) Needed Desperately


Construction Prep Class Starting

Looking for unemployed/unskilled persons to train to be certified to work on construction sites. Class starts April 22, 2013. High School Diploma or GED not required to qualify for the class. Arrangements can be made to get a GED will going to Construction Prep Class.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Quick Notes from the National Baptist Laymen's Movement

  Quick Notes Banner1

April 5, 2013


Addie Parker of Cleveland, Ohio Passes Away After Major Accident


Deacon Odis Parker and his wife Addie, Pilgrim Baptist Church,  

Cleveland, OH were returning home from Columbus, Ohio where they had attended a planning meeting to host the Walter Cade, Jr. 7-State Workshop this coming October 30th were in a tragic vehicle accident. Mrs. Parker didn't survive. 


Deacon Parker is hospitalized at Grant Medical Center,111 S. Grant Ave.,  

Columbus, Ohio. 




Website Created to Get Updates on David Bozeman


David Bozeman of Shiloh, Illinois suffered a stroke on March 14th. Bozeman is the president of the Baptist General State Convention of Illinois laymen. He also serves as the National Follow-up Chairman in the evangelism ministry.


Click the link then "My Story". David Bozeman Update



Planning Set In Motion for Walter Cade, Jr. North East Workshop


Willie Burke2

Willie Burke

National Vice President-at-Large and North East Region program coordinator Willie Burke has his team organized and working for their regional workshop this year. It will be:

May 17 - 18, 2013

Second Baptist Church

Pedricktown, New Jersey


The schedule consists of:

Friday  - Banquet

Saturday - Plenary Panel Discussion  

                   Breakout Part 1 - "Faith Dimension"


                   Breakout Part 2 - "Personal Dimension"



Chatam County (GA) Laymen to Hold Breakfast Meeting


The Chatam County laymen where Donnell Baker is president will hold their bi-monthly meeting on Saturday, April 13th at the Tremont Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Savannah, GA.

Their inspirational speaker for the meeting will be Ms. Yvonne Pryor, Executive Director, Inter City Night Shelter.

The men are asked to bring to the meeting paint brushes/rollers, monetary donations, laundry detergent  and  bleach to donate to the shelter. 



Melvin Latimer

Elder Melvin Latimer

New Hope Laymen Sponsoring "The Making of  a Man" Workshop


The men of the New Hope Baptist Church, Metuchen, NJ is sponsoring a men's workshop on Saturday, April 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Their guest presenter is Elder Melvin Latimer, of Men on a Mission  Worldwide Ministries, Inc.

New Hope is a member of the Middlesex Central Baptist Association of New Jersey, Inc. 



Birthdays in April


Call or send these officers a text or email on their birthday.

April 21 - President Harold Simmons
816-898-6828 Mobile