Friday, November 27, 2009

Tips on Staying Safe during the Holiday Shopping Season

Tips on Staying Safe during the Holiday Shopping Season

The holiday shopping season is here and millions of people will be heading to the nation's shopping malls focused on finding the perfect gifts, but crime isn't taking a holiday.  Police departments across the country report increased calls during the holiday season when shoppers tend to think less about holiday shopping mall safety and more about buying presents.

Shopping mall safety is especially important this holiday season when malls are more vulnerable to crime.  Please remember, it's never possible to completely eliminate the risk of crime, but being aware of your surroundings and choosing to shop at malls that take security seriously are two important things you can do to help protect yourself and your family against crime while shopping this season.

Follow these tips to help make holiday shopping safer for you and your family:

  • Park in a well-lit area as close to your destination as possible. Parking lots and structures are typically the most dangerous places at the mall. If you are shopping alone and feel uncomfortable walking to your car at night, ask mall security officers for an escort. Consider valet parking during the holiday season when many malls offer free or reduced price valet parking. Look for security cameras and try to park near them. Also, opt for walkways leading to malls and parking lots that have security cameras installed.
  • Choose to do your holiday shopping at malls that take security seriously. Shopping destinations with regular mall security patrols and visible surveillance cameras provide an added layer of security and a deterrent to criminals.
  • Avoid using restrooms that are tucked away in a back area of a mall or store department. If you can, find a restroom near the mall's food court or other well-trafficked area and always accompany your child.
  • Don't overload yourself with packages. Thieves are always on the lookout for people who might be distracted.  Keep track of your packages and try to stay off your cell phone. Hold your purse close to your body or use a front pocket if carrying a wallet.
  • Always know where the closest exits are located. In case of a fire or other emergency, make sure you can find the nearest exits and remember to avoid using elevators in an emergency.
  • Take extra care when returning to your car. If you notice anyone suspicious in the parking area you can use your keys as a weapon. If needed, you can also use your car's alarm system by pushing the panic button on your alarm remote control or car horn to draw attention.

Being extra vigilant this holiday season may help keep you from becoming a crime victim.  Always trust your instincts and report any and all suspicious activity to shopping mall security officers or your local police. 

Two things have to come together in order for a crime to be committed, desire and opportunity. We know there is always someone out there with the desire, we have to minimize the opportunities.   

Monday, November 30 - 10:00 a.m. Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, Part D - Open Enrollment Session at Lincoln

Happy Thanksgiving:

This is just a friendly reminder about Lincoln University's Cooperative Extension, St. Louis' Medicare Open Enrollment Session which will be held on Monday, November 30, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. You will have the opportunity to gain helpful information concerning your Prescription Drug Plan (Part D).  Trained volunteers will be on hand to help you choose the best plan that works for you.  Please bring your prescription bottles which will list everything that's needed to help you make the best possible choice along with your Medicare number.

I hope you can make this event as we attempt here at Lincoln to impact the lives of our seniors and community residents.  Please forward the E-mail to those who may benefit.  Remember the open enrollment period is November 15-December 31, 2009.

If you are a Provider for Seniors and their Caregivers, you are welcome to display resources and other materials that may be of help.  Please let me know if you will be doing so by sending an email to me at

Again, Happy Thanksgivings to you and your family.

Linda Joyce Mackey
Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Urban Impact Center
9041 Riverview
S. Louis, MO 63137
314 867-4915 - Telephone
314 867-5029 -  Fax
Empowering and Impacting the Lifestyles of Individuals and Families

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sis. Michelle Bowie’s Mother's Services

Sister Michelle Bowie,

President of Zion Traveler's WMU and Rev Linden Bowie's wife, lost her mother,

Funeral Arrangements are as follows:

Sister Ernestine Patton

Wake:                                                             Homegoing:

Tuesday November 17, 2006                    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wade Twin Chapel                                  Zion Traveler's M.B. Church


Pre-Holiday Breakfast Celebration

Breakfast flyer 1

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Project: NeXgeneration Youth Ministry - 2nd Saturday Youth Event

Zion Travelers MB Church
351 Chambers Road 63137

Rev. Dr. Linden Bowie, Sr. Pastor
Rev. Charles Jones, Jr., Youth Pastor
(314) 456-8927

Project: NeXgeneration Youth Ministry
2nd Saturday Youth Event
Nov. 14th, 2009

9yrs. -18yrs.       9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
9yrs. -under    Noon - 4:00 p.m.

All Activities "FREE" & Open To All!
Light Lunch Served 11:00 a.m. to Noon

Movie Tyme:
"Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaur"
"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"

Bible & Social Topics, Self-Esteem Topics, Berean District Jr. Laymen, BasketBall, Assisting Children of Prison Parents (ACOPP), Movies, Arts-N-Crafts, Drama, Teen Mom's Session, Volleyball, Spoken Word & Poet's, Drum & Flag Team, Young Men Achieving Purpose, Dance, The Esther Generation Youth Girls Club, NeXgen Step Squad,  Much, Murch, More!

Fun For All!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Berean Meeting

1. No District Laymen Meeting Friday November 6th (Meeting will be Friday Nov. 13th)

2. Berean Association Banquet - Friday November 6th at New Northside Banquet Hall

3. Sheep vs. Sheperd Basketball Game Saturday, November 21st at East Side High School in East St. Louis, Il.

Annual Sheep vs Shepherd Basket Ball Game

All- Star Basketball Game

East Side Shepherds vs West Side Shepherds !!

Sheep from the East vs Sheep from the West !!

To Benefit

"Second Chance Homeless Shelter"

240 N. 6th Street

East St. Louis, ILL

Saturday - November 21,

2009 - 3:00pm

East St. Louis Senior High


4901 State Street

East St. Louis, ILL 62203


Donation: $5.00


For Tickets Please call:

Leno Blue - 314-753-8655

Rev Anthony Woods  - 314-327-5416

Bro Delester Jefferson 314-239-0461

Bro David Bozeman (Illinois)- 618-558-8591

State Laymen Planning Meeting - December 12, 2009

Thank you for your support and gifts during our State Convention in Kansas City. I pray all is well with you and family.
Please plan to attend our Laymen Planning meeting in Columbia, Missouri on Saturday, December 12, 2009. Location TBD.
Please be prepared to discuss:

  • Calendar for the year 

  • Ministries for the year

  • Budget 

  • Louis B Parker Workshop

  • 2010 National Baptist Convention in Kansas City

  • 2011 Walter Cade Seven (7) State Regional Workshop in Missouri

  • Jr. Laymen program for the year

We look forward to a very productive meeting.
Serving Him
Leno Blue


The planning meeting will be held at:

Progressive Missionary Baptist Church
701 Banks
Columbia, Mo.